BOI E-Filing

⚠️ NOTICE: Failure to file Beneficial Ownership Information Report before the federal deadline may result in penalties of up to $591/day. 

Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting

Start Your BOIR Filing

Filing is easy and secure. Just fill out the form below and we’ll get started on your filing.

Helpful Guidance

Let’s begin the filing process. Provide your details and the company information, including any extensions like LLC or Inc. You can also request a FinCEN
Identifier for easier future filings — highly recommended. Once completed, we’ll proceed to the next step with adding your Beneficial Owners and then submitting your filing. The estimated time to complete is approx.12 minutes.

  1. Company Information: 3 minutes
  2. Beneficial Owners: 6 minutes
  3. Compliance and Filing: 3 minutes
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Company Information - Step 1 of 3

Reporting Company Information

Request to receive FinCEN Identifier (FinCEN ID). By checking this box above, you are requesting to receive a FinCEN Identifier. You may use this ID to make future filings with FinCEN. (Recommended)

Initial Details

Details of the reporting company completing this BOIR Filing. Please include extension (e.g. LLC, Inc.)

Form of Identification

Jurisdiction of formation or first registration

Foreign Reporting Company

Current U.S. address